An all-Electronic music CD, this 80-minute collection combines music composed for dance companies, theatre presentations and just plain-old weirdness. Lots of samples and synthesis, field recordings and feeling.
recorded material from Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sweden, Peru etc.
voices of thuy tran, jane thompson, anne hege, noelle debruhl, lata mageshkar
drums of russ blackmar
Drive was written for the Nesting Dolls Dance Company performance of the same name,
choreographed by Cid Pearlman, video by Ann Kaneko.
premiered November 2000 at Highways in Santa Monica, CA.
Breadth is a stereo reduction of a piece for 16 channel spatialized sound which premiered at the
Transparent Tape Music Festival in Berkeley CA, Aug. 2002
Ellie Altair was written for Ellie Leonhardt Dance Company. premiered Feb 2003 at Mills College, Oakland CA.
cover art by edie winograde and richard gann
photo by edie