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Jonathan Segel
"All Attractions"

Also available @

Pitch A Tent

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From I-Tunes

Jonathan Segel Bio

Jonathan Segel - All Attractions
MAG2001 - CD
  1. (Ever and) Always 8:36
  2. Hey You (I Know You Know Me) 7:28
  3. She's a Peach 5:07
  4. Listen 5:31
  5. Singularity 5:04
  6. What Goes Around 3:11
  7. The Dark Torch 9:27
  8. The Good One 2:32
  9. Winter 2:53
  10. I Know You Know Me (Hey You) 12:47

For AUDIO samples, see the Bandcamp page HERE

The CD comes with a bonus disc, Apricot Jam

more rock music, just what you like.

These are songs, stunningly strong and beautiful ones. Lots of psychedelic guitar solos.

A companion collection of jam sessions is "Apricot Jam". A 3rd collection of outtakes and other things worked on at the same time is "Turn Slowly for Maximum Vend"

"A chance meeting with Columbia recording manager Norrie Paramor put top singer Jonathan Segel on the road to success—the right road. But it might so easily have been the road of Bongo Herbert. Jonathan plays the part of Bongo in the screen version of the play that took London by storm, "All Attractions". In the film he's an unknown singer working for coppers when he's picked up by an unscrupulous agent. True, the agent turns Bongo into an overnight success, but his methods are those of the get-rich-quick wide-boy—and he takes 50 percent of Bongo's earnings in the process. Jonathan packs the role with the same punch and drive he puts into his stage and TV performances. His fellow stars include Victor Krummenacher, who as American singer Dixie Collins, collects handsome singers as other people collect books. There's John Hanes, as the agent who'll get to the top—on someone else's back. And playing opposite Hanes, as his girl friend, is Chris Xefos, in the most unusual role of her career—as a dancer in a s strip-show. Set against the sleazy night-life of Soho, with its strip-tease shows, clip joints and teenage dens, "All Attractions" takes the lid off the seamier side of showbiz—with no holds barred. Bongo Herbert is accompanied on the road to success by shady tricks and smart operators. But he succeeds in reaching the top….just as Jonathan has in real life."


Jonathan Segel plays guitars, sings, plays violins and keyboards.

Victor Krummenacher plays bass and guitar.

John Hanes plays drums.

Chris Xefos plays bass

Brett Netson plays guitar on track 10

Backing Vocals by:

Eden Daniels

Helena Espvall (also some Cello)

Sanna Olsson

David Immergluck

Cover art by Michael Wertz